Principal's Message

Dear Reader, As the new session begins, I take this opportunity to whole heartedly thank all stakeholders for their understanding and cooperation for the successes achieved together, and especially for the continuous support for not letting the learning impede come what may, during the volatile situations of ‘Corona Virus’ which is constantly affecting our normal life.
With a clear vision to ‘Motivate, Educate and Empower our students by reinforcing their own high expectations,’ we have already shifted successfully from traditional way of learning to the technical way, and are successful in reaching to every child and parent through well planned and safe system of On-line classes, On-line PTM, On- line activities, Proctored on -line examinations and most importantly with ample study material and videos on portal to make things easy and accessible to the students.
We are strongly prepared now to cover number of identified learning gaps that have developed over the past two years and to set a new example of an innovative hybrid system of education by utilizing both off line and online education in a most professional way. We are all set to bring back the momentum in developing academics and other skills that include sports, craft, music and dance, which play a vital role in the growth of the students to establish a wholesome personality, by identifying, encouraging and fostering the latent potential in them.
Taking forward the vision of NEP 2020, we have upgraded our curriculum, which emphasises on enhancing the learning skills, creative, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, mathematical skills and socio emotional skills through desired learning outcomes.
Hence, for this session again, let us commit ourselves for further developing an ideal school that provides learning that is student centric, inquiry-driven; competence based and includes joyful pedagogies along with Bagless days. Such pedagogies ultimately facilitate the most conducive environment for learning and innovations; holistic and inclusive education in a safe learning environment, and promote reflective and metacognitive thinking practices among teachers and students. Such environment in school keeps parent as active partners in learning.
A very well-planned calendar for the year all round activities is defined in the almanac to ensure maximum participation and encouragement to the students.
We look forward to your active participation with us.
RegardsDr. Anupam Jagga
DPS Ranipur